Filters allow you to show only а subset of information, restricting the span of search and results you may find. They can be applied to products, categories, discounts, customers, and other types of data that can be displayed in your store management area.
Selecting the filter parameters
To create filter criteria you need to select which parameters you want to use to filter your results. The main selection is based on the field parameter (field name or parameter), the operator ( is/equal, is not/not-equal, more or less if a number value, yes or no, etc.) and the field value.
1. Click the Filters dropdown
2. From the Filter results window, add the field parameters
3. If required, select the operator
4. If required, select the field value
5. Press Add FilterYou can add more parameters to your filter criteria by repeating the same process as described above. You can also clear your current search filters by pressing the Clear filters option. You can also add previously saved filters to your criteria.
Saving your filter selections
Saving your filter selections allows you to use the same filter criteria at a later stage, the created filters remain saved on your online store.
Using your saved filters
To be able to use a previously saved filter, you can use the Saved filters dropdown box. This will show all saved filter criteria and by pressing one you can immediately load them on your page. If no saved filters are available a “No saved filters” will show on the drop-down box.
Using the tools
The tools are located just below the Filters and to use them you must mark one or more products. Then you press "Tools" and quickly and easily choose what to do with the marked products. For example, you can choose to publish or unpublish a product, you can put it on sale and pause it, and more.
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