In this article, you will learn how to upload more products at one time for which you already have all the necessary information gathered in the so-called CSV file. In addition, the CSV functionality also allows updating the product catalogue.
How can I upload my CSV files?
1. Go into your control panel > Products > Import products (In the upper-right corner) > Select the CSV file from your store
You can download a sample CSV file from here CSV_Example and add to the file with this structure the product information you want to upload to your control panel.
We recommend strongly that you use Google Sheets when processing or creating a CSV file so you can conveniently and easily save changes as a CSV and comply with the UTF8 format requirement.
2. After you click on Import products, you would need to add and save the Settings for your CSV fille.3. CSV file settings
* Check this if your file has a header line explaining the columns - Turn the button ON if your CSV file is structured like the example and contains a column description, for example:*The sign that splits the names of the categories - If you have filled in a category and sub-category for each product in the category column, use the box to specify which character separates the category names in the file. For example, in a file whose category column looks like this:
The specified product will be imported into the Clothing category, the Kids sub-category and the T-Shirts sub-category, and the product category name separator is the ">" sign, in which case you need to put this mark in the import settings here:
*Task ID number - Identification for the task. If you have several tasks and you use to update your product inventory, you have to choose the same Task ID number for all of them.
*Choose the fixed discount you want to be applied if the products have a discount price - if you have a fixed discount on products in the file you upload, you must first have a fixed discount on your store and then select it from the drop-down menu in the settings.
4. Additional Setting
If the file you upload does not have columns that specify the settings below for each product individually, this means that all the products in your file are identical to each other in the parameters above. The settings in this section are for you to be able to specify with one global setting here whether all uploaded products will be published, recommended, new and other options in the details of each product.
Synchronizing product store boxes with the fields and information in your CSV file.
1. After saving your import settings, all you have to do is associate the fields in your product control store with the fields that contain the relevant information in the file you have prepared and uploaded.2. Focusing on the image above, on the left, you will see the fields for each product, and on the right, the system will read the information from the CSV file you uploaded in the previous step so that you can select from the drop-downs the required information.
See how to add product variants via CSV file here.