Apply your marketing skills and strategy by creating different types of discounts. You can choose whether the discount is related to certain products, different categories, or the total amount of each order.
Adding a Global Discount
This type of Discount allows your customers to see the discount in their checkout and the total amount of their order. To create this type of Discount, follow the steps:
1. Go into your control panel > Marketing > Discounts2. Then click on the Add Discount > Global discount
3. Discount name - Here you write the name of the Discount.
4. Discount type - Here you specify whether the discount would be in the form of amount, percentage, or free shipping.
5. Discount target - Define the target for the discount, based on orders, exact product, or a product category. You can choose from the following options:
All discounts whose discount target is a product, product category, etc. are visualized as discounts on products.
When selecting "Orders over" you have an additional option. Save the discount in the order: If the option is enabled and when editing an order in which this discount is involved and the conditions are not met, the discount will not be removed.
6. Customer groups - This option allows you to choose all groups or pick a specific one, where the discount will be applied. The default setup is that all groups are selected.7. Color - Here, you can pick the color of the promo text and the background color.
8. Setting for showing the discount amount on the label - With this setting, you can choose in what format the difference between the original price and the discounted one to be displayed on the product's detail page - it could be as percent, as flat price or you can not change it.
9. Date range - Here is where you can specify the start date and the end date of the discount or set no expiration. The default promotion settings are with no expiration date.*Set timer in products listing/product details page - Those options are only available if you've set an expiration date
9. Discount limits - This option can be activated if you wish for the discount to be used for a fixed amount of time.
10. Discount limit for a customer - In this field, you can set a maximum number of times a single user can use the discount. The number of uses is reported only when the status of the orders is: Fulfilled, Completed, Pending, Paid.
See how to create other types of discounts in this section of our Help Center.