In this article, you will find detailed information about the tools and the features you can use in creating new pages for your store. The Page Builder allows you to create a fully customized design and then use the created pages as landing ones for your business. A Landing Page can even be added as a new Home page or as a Thank-You page visualized after a successful order. Thanks to those options your store can change its look and keep its overall vibe fresh and up to speed with the competition!
In this section:
- Adding new row
- Adding widgets
- Editing rows
- Editing Widgets
- Default sections on the page
- Page Settings
- Assign the page
Log in to your control panel and enter section Marketing > Landing Pages > Add a new page and choose Drag & Drop Page Builder.
When installing the Membership app, the Private page option will appear in the menu. If you select Yes, the landing page will only be available to customers who have purchased a digital product for a certain period of time. You can read more information about the app and the opportunities it provides here.
Adding new row
Your page will contain rows and widgets which you could add, combine, edit, copy, and fully customize. Before adding widgets, you need to choose the layout of the rows.
1. Click on the green Add new row button to choose the layout of the row.
2. Choose the structure of the row you would like to add by clicking one of the tables. On this step, you will set the amount and the structure of the columns this row will be created from.
Adding widgets
Each row you add could contain columns of different sizes.
For example, after choosing, that you want 2 columns, first of which filling 5/6 part of the row and the second filling the rest 1/6 parts of the row, you could start adding widgets to those columns. Every widget will adopt the space of the column you are adding it in. At the moment you can use 18 widgets and you can personalize each with the tools it contains. You will find more information about each of the widgets you can add here.
Editing rows
Here are the options you can apply to each row.1. Row settings
This tool allows you to choose the background type for the row. The background could be an image or a color you can choose by adding its code or selecting it with the Color Box. You can set the paddings and the margins for the row and this would change the distance between the rows.
2. Copy rowYou can copy each row (with all the widgets in it if you've already added some) without adding a new one with the same layout. This allows you to quickly and easily accomplish the best design of the page you are creating.
3. Reorder rowUse this button to move each row using drag & drop.
4. Remove row
Use the button to delete the row.
Editing Widgets
Each of the widgets you create in the columns of the row where you have added them can be edited, duplicated, moved or removed with a few quick tools we have developed to facilitate your work and to give you the opportunity to accomplish the design you want without having special technical and designer skills.
1. Editing the widget
With just one button you change all settings of the widget you have chosen but want to edit to accomplish a better design.
2. Copying the widget
Use the quick button for copying the widget to work easily and quickly with the Drag & Drop Page Builder.
3. Moving the widget
Use the quick button for moving the widget and with just drag & drop change the location of the widget in another column or row.
4. Removing the widget
With one button you can remove any of the created widgets.
Default sections on the page
On the main menu at the Drag & Drop Page Builder, you will find activated by default the Header and the Footer of your store. You can manage those sections from My Store -> Navigation at your control panel. If you use this page as the Home page it’s better to leave those sections activated. If you’d like to use a page as a landing page, you could deactivate the Header and the Footer in order to avoid distraction from the information you want to provide to your customers with this page.
Page Settings
After you have the page ready, use the menu on the right side of the page builder in order to set the page some main settings.
1. Name of the page – you can type the name of the page which would be for your internal use.
2. Page link – you can type the name of the page link here. The link will always have the components
3. SEO title – type a unique SEO title for your page
4. SEO description – fill in the SEO description of the page
5. Page history changes – you can use this tool like an undo button going back to different states of the page
6. Preview – use the button to check the current vision of the page. You should keep in mind that the link from the preview will not be available for customers or users who are not logged in to your control panel.
7. Publish changes – this button will activate your page with the current vision
Assign the page
Use the Back to pages button in order to go back to your control panel and the listing with all the pages.1. Name – in this column you can see the name of the pages and a button to their link
2. Assigned to – use the drop-down menu to assign the page as a:
Static page – you can use this assignment to create a link to this page, for example, from the main navigation menu
Home page – use this assignment if you want to set this page as a home page for your store
Thank you page – choose this assignment if you want this page to be seen by your customer as a Thank you page after a successfully placed order
3. Active – use the button to quickly activate and deactivate each of the pages in your store
An important feature of the Drag & Drop Page Builder is that it is fully compatible with the main theme you have chosen for your store. As you create your pages and work with customizing the rows and widgets in them, the system conforms to the main theme of your store so that the page you create looks like part of the main theme, with consistent visual elements, lines, and main design.
The themes that maintain the Drag & Drop Page Builder functionality at present are: Motivation, Echappe, Flair, Knowledge, Summer, InLabs, Living, GameOn, GameOfDrones, Construction, Jeans, Bond and ThemeX.
In the articles below you will find additional information about landing pages:
Managing and Assigning Landing Pages
Adding Widgets in Landing Pages