In this section:

Albanian courier is the biggest courier service network in Albania. Currently, this is the largest private company in the CEP sector (courier, express, parcel services) with many years of successful experience in the Albanian market.

The activation of Albanian Courier services in your CloudCart store is easy and can save you a lot of time and efforts. Owing to the integration, you will have everything you need to manage both orders and deliveries from the administration panel of your CloudCart store. You will be capable to automatically calculate the shipping value and fulfill every order that enters your store with just a few clicks. Follow the steps below to successfully activate and set up this service.


1. To activate Albanian courier go to your admin panel, Apps section > All apps, and select Albanian. to install the module.  

2. Once you've installed the app, you will be directed to the setting page where you have to enter your credentials from your contract with Albanian Courier. When you sign a contract, you will receive credentials for activating the module in your store (username, password and Client ID). Tap the 'Connect to Albanian Courier' button and don't forget to enable the app from the ON/OFF button in the upper right corner of the screen. 


1. In the first section, you can change the name and the logo of the shipping provider by selecting another file to upload from your computer.

2. Choose the Service type to an address - to enable the service, click on the ON/OFF button. In this section, from the drop-down menu, you need to select the pricing method for shipping to an address:

  • Albanian Courier calculator - will automatically calculate each delivery according to the pricing, the location and the product's weight. For that reason, аll your products must have information regarding the weight in order to be able to calculate the price adequately. 

  • Albanian Courier calculator + handling fee - will automatically calculate each delivery according to the pricing conditions of  Albanian Courier and will add an additional processing fee that you have entered in the appropriate field.

  • Albanian Courier calculator + Free delivery - will automatically calculate each delivery according to the pricing conditions of Albanian Courier and will automatically set a free delivery above the amount of the order specified in the empty field.

When choosing to give customers free delivery, keep in mind that the shipping cost to Albanian Courier is always at the expense of the sender (merchant).  

Fallback price

We advise you to activate Fallback price. Тhis is the "backup" shipping price that is applicable to the first three pricing methods (Albanian Courier calculator/+ processing fee/+ free shipping). With Fallback price the orders in your store will be able to be fulfilled, even if the supplier's calculator does not work properly or the connection to the system cannot be established. When you enable this functionality, you have to set a backup shipping price that will be activated as needed.
  • Fixed value by price without Albanian Courier calculator - choosing this type of service, you must manually fill in the value of the shipping according to the final price of the order.

You also have the option to set different price conditions for different product categories. To do this, enable the option from the button ON/OFF.

  • Fixed value by weight without Albanian Courier calculator- choosing this type of service, you must manually fill in the value of the shipping according to the weight of the products. Here you can also set different price conditions for different product categories by activating the ON/OFF button.

  • Fixed value by price and weight without Albanian Courier calculator - this type of service is a combination of the previous two:

When choosing a Fixed Value without an Albanian Courier calculator, keep in mind that the shipping cost that have to be paid to Albanian Courier is always at the expense of the sender (merchant). If you choose the pricing to be done with Albanian Courier calculator, you can choose which - the sender or the recipient to take delivery. 

Shipping regions

In the next section, you can set the regions to which this shipping method applies or choose to apply it globally from the ON/OFF button. If you turn off the button, from the drop-down menu you should select specific shipping regions that you have created in advance (in our help articles you can find out what Geo zones and Geo polygons are for and how to apply them correctly).

This shipping method will be valid and will be visible to customers only for the specific region (s) for which you have chosen to apply. For customers who ordered from other regions, this shipping method will not be visible in the checkout.

Payment provider

In this section, you can choose whether this shipping method is applied globally as it applies to all payment methods you have activated in your store (ON/OFF button) or to be applied only to certain payment methods from the ones you have configured in your store (you can select them from the drop-down menu).  

Settings for receiving the shipment

In this section, you can easily enter a default value for weight for all products that do not have this data entered. This will make it much easier for you because you will not have to enter the parameters for each product separately in order for the the shipping to be calculated later.

  • The default weight for one item - enter the default weight for a product. If you have not entered a weight for a certain product, the system will take into account the weight specified in this field.  
  • Who pays the shipping cost - select the sender or receiver to be the default payer. Of course, this also depends on your choice of the type of service you have chosen. If you have selected a fixed value, then the receiver cannot be the default payer. Also, if you have specified "free shipping" above, again the default payer is the sender, even if you have selected the receiver in this field.  

  • Enable cash on delivery - you can enable this option if you want your customers to be able to pay for their orders upon delivery
  • Send Method - choose the sending method. This can be 'address to address' or 'office to address'. It depends on where you ship your packages from. If it is 'address to address' the courier comes and takes the package, if it is 'office to address', you should go to the courier office to send your packages.  

Once you have done all the settings, hit the 'save' button and you are ready to use Albanian courier for the fulfilment of your orders.

Please, note, that the Albanian courier does not generate waybills.