General introduction

The "Additional Design development" service is intended for customers looking for some design amendments but not full redesign. The corrections should be possible through the design templates' capabilities, without needing CSS code. 

Additional Design Development includes the following areas:

✔ Customizing the finished design of your store

✔ Fonts - changing and updating sizes

✔ Choice of icons - icons and logos enhancing store credibility, icons in navigation, or similar

✔ Colours expressing the style of the brand - so it can grab the attention of your target audience

✔ Properly selected background images - to enhance the effect of your store design

✔ Many other design tweaks that you can discuss with our sales team

The service is not suitable for a complete store redesign. 

Service conditions

Design services are based on a consultation with one of the following departments - Sales or Project Coordinators

Execution deadline

Deadline execution*: 10 work days Due to unforeseen circumstances, CloudCart reserves the right to extend the deadline by 5 work days. 

Corrections execution**: Up to 7 work days. The client has the right to one-time corrections. 

*Deadline execution applies in cases where everything sent by your side is submitted within the particular timeline. 

**Additional corrections sent outside of the agreed deadline, are charged on a per-assignment basis. 

Note: finished work files are not shared with clients.

Request the service

To request the service, please contact the sales team at [email protected].