Custom Fields is a functionality that allows you to add custom fields to your subscription forms to collect more information from subscribers, which may be essential to your business.

How to add a custom field:

Step 1: Go into your admin panel > Marketing > Campaigns > Custom fields > Add new custom field from the top right corner.

Step 2:  Once you click on Add new custom field, the General settings menu would appear:

Field name (for internal use) - add a field name for internal use

Field name (visible at the customer account) - the name you place in this field will be visible in the store

Choose a field type - select the type of field you want it to be respectively

Types of fields:
Radio button


Step 3:  Еnable custom field in subscription forms. From Campaigns > Pop Up and form builder > Select the desired subscription form in which you want to place the custom field > Click Next.

Read here and learn how to make great subscription forms.

From the Custom Fields section, select the field you want to appear in the subscribe form with the checkbox.

If you have more than one custom field and you want to change the places of any of them, you can do it easily with the drag and drop function. Just grab the field and move it up or down depending on the desired position.

You can make any or all fields mandatory.

This is how it would appear in your subscription form:

Subsequently, the data collected can be used to segment audiences by different metrics. For example, you can make a targeting campaign for all female users between the ages of 20 and 45.